Thursday, December 18, 2008

Punk Playa

So, last night, some friends and I were enjoying a rousing round or three of Call Of Duty 4. Nothing particularly spectacular about that, in fact it's pretty typical of the way we spend our evenings. However, during one particular run on the map "Vacant", I managed to offend one of the opposing players.

How do I know this? Simple. The player in question sent me a voice message over XBox Live. It is a 30 second tirade of profanity and poorly constructed commentary on my overall skill.

So, of course, I had to send a response. It's 15 seconds of me cackling at this pathetic waste of breathable air and outer resources. No words, just howls of derisive laughter. I mean, what else do you do with someone like this? I really just don't have the words to describe the complete pathetic nature of this guy. I almost feel sorry for him.

Then I listen to the voice message again.

I wish I could somehow extract and post both the original message and my response.

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